Welcome to Speaker Training

Where are you?

Comfort Zone

fear of speaking

Learn from the ancient Greeks


The audience

The goal

Theme and title


Creative process


Use figures of Speech

The digital presentation

Customize your presentation

Hybrid PowerPoint Model


The Walkthrough

Well-lit stage

Technical walkthrough






Online Course Speakertraining

Have you seen the Power Talk? Go to the course and use your password

Speakertraining.online stands out from the rest. It is about all presentation aspects  – not preliminary data from booklets but valuable tips from 25 years of experience. Even factors such as humour, microphone technique etc., are discussed.  We cover areas, other speakertraining do not cover.

What does the course cost?

The complete online course of 79 lessons costs one time 49,00 €. Normally the course cost 149,00 €. The 49,00 € is the special Summer 2022 price!

Is it a subscription?

Nee, het bedrag 49,00 € is eenmalig en je kan de cursus een jaar lang gebruiken.

how long does it take?

That’s hard to say. Of course, it is also determined by where you are now. If you fear speaking, it will take longer than you have already talked about at times, and you want to improve yourself. Some lessons will scroll you through reasonably quickly; others will have to be ‘landing’ before you can apply them in practice. Get started, and you’ll see that you’ll enjoy it.

What does a lesson look like?

Each lesson has texts, a video and one or more cartoons. Look below for three example lessons.

Show me

Six modules

You can decide for yourself which lessons you want to see, as often as you like. Click the arrow to view the modules.

Vertical Videos

The vertical videos are specially made to fit these best on your mobile phone. Click the arrow to see a demo.

In your own time

You decide when and what lessons you follow. You can skip lessons and review lessons again.

Most complete course

In the course, she will also pay attention to issues such as humour and technical walkthrough

Clear and efficient

The text and videos are easy to follow. the content is clear and to the point.


Will you use a PowerPoint presentation? Learn how to make a difference and set the standard for your business.

About the coach

The coach and initiator of this online course is Tom Sligting. He has been on stage for over 28 years as a comedian and professional speaker. With more than 4500 performances, he is a true experience expert. He has seen many more presentations and thus came up with the idea of starting this course. There is always something to be improved. That’s why Tom also appeals to a broad audience who has a fear of speaking and takes the first steps on stage and who presents regularly and knows that it can be better and fresher. As I said, there is always something to learn. Surprise yourself and your audience; you’ll enjoy getting powerful feedback after your next presentation.